STEP and How to Travel Smarter
The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), formerly under the name Travel Registration or Registration with embassies, is a free, important feature by the State Department to notify you of any alerts, emergencies, security risks, or services whenever you are traveling in another country. It’s conveniently available via email or an app for your smartphone.
These types of alerts refer to the latest current events in the nation you are touring in order to help you be the most informed traveler you can be. After all, a “well-informed traveler is a safe traveler.” We at Passport Visas Express.com say, “Travel smarter, travel better.” The State Department reports assisting in the evacuations of 16,700 Americans in Haiti during the 2010 earthquake and informing thousands during civil unrest in Lebanon in 2006. This assistance can save you and your family; or at the very least, provide peace of mind.
In addition to alerts about the country you’re in, you will also be informed of any crises at home in the United States. STEP will aid in connecting you to for your family should you need to.
Should you have an emergency, for example, STEP is your safeguard. If you lose your passport or if it’s stolen while you are abroad, you can connect with STEP to notify the authorities. If you are injured or ill, STEP can assist you with finding local medical centers.
We strongly recommend you sign up for this free service at the State Department for smart traveling.If visa or passport application service is what you need, look no further. Passport Visas Express.com (link) has over fifteen years’ experience in helping folks apply for visas in countries around the world. We can renew or apply for new or lost passports in whatever schedule you require.
Call our friendly customer service at 1-888-596-6028, or email us at CustomerSupport@passportvisasexpress.com. Try our easy chat for some quick answers. Safety, ease, and information—these are the goals for whenever you travel!
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