Passports & Government Shutdown
Passport Visas Express.com is open and we are expediting passports!
With the federal government shutdown, the first in 17 years, what will happen to your expedited passport application?
What you need to know about expediting your passport application:
1. Passport Visas Express.com will remain open and in service. We will still be able to process and/or expedite your passport application.
2. The U.S. Passport Agency is largely funded by passport application fees. The State Department has confirmed that funding is available for expedited passport processing. However, there may be delays to new or existing passport applications, depending on the duration of the shutdown.
3. Passport Visas Express.com continues to offer expedited passport service for those in a rush to travel abroad: whether you need an expedited first-time new passport, are seeking an expedited passport renewal, or have lost your U.S. passport and need to expedite we can help. Our U.S. passport expediting services will be available all through the shutdown.
The shutdown will cause the closing of all non-essential programs, national parks, and federally funded museums, and in addition US embassies abroad who process US visas for foreign travelers coming to the USA.
If you’re in doubt or in a rush and need to expedite, please contact our friendly customer service at 1-888-596-6028 or at CustomerSupport@passportvisasexpress.com. Click on the right, to chat and ask our agents any question at your leisure. Still in doubt? Rest assured. The government has shut down temporarily, but Passport Visas Express.com have had fifteen years’ of experience in dealing with any passport emergency!
To expedite your passport application please visit our Expedited Passport Services page.
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