Closings: Jan 19 & 20
The U.S. State Department (Passport Agency) and the Embassies and Consulates will be closed on the following days:
MLK, Jr. Holiday: Monday, January 19th, 2009
Presidential Inauguration: Tuesday, January 20th, 2009
Passport Visa Express.com will also be closed. We will resume normal business hours on Monday following each holiday. If you need assistance while we are away please contact us via email.
Passport Visa Express.com
From the offices of the Arlington Economic Development and Arlington Office of Emergency Management:
Arlington Economic Development, working in conjunction with the Arlington Office of Emergency Management is contacting you as part of our preparations for the 2009 Presidential Inauguration to provide information intended to keep the business community prepared, alert and informed. The entire Washington, D.C. area, including Arlington, is bracing for record crowds during the inaugural weekend January 17-20, 2009. Crowds and events during the inaugural weekend will likely prove to be highly disruptive to most Arlington businesses due to road closures and sharply reduced transit access from unprecedented Metro usage. Arlington is encouraging telework arrangements for those businesses that are not closing on the 20th.
Preparations for the Inauguration are not yet 100% finalized and the details are highly fluid. The easiest way to stay informed about changes is to refer to the Arlington County Official 2009 Inauguration Webpage at http://cts.vresp.com/c/?ArlingtonEconomicDev/da5afc601d/64b2c6dedc/0f2a6b06ae.
In addition, Arlington businesses will have an opportunity to talk directly to County Manager Ron Carlee on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. via a CARleeTALK chat room. To access the chat room, visit: http://cts.vresp.com/c/?ArlingtonEconomicDev/da5afc601d/64b2c6dedc/6b844d4ba4.
Registration is not required to participate. Transcripts of the chat will be available following the conclusion of the session.
Lastly, you can view a briefing of Arlington's Inauguration preparations. It will be broadcast live on AVN Channel 74 (Comcast) or Verizon Channel 40 at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 13. You can also watch the webcast from www.arlingtonva.us.
We highly encourage all those who live or work in Arlington to register for Arlington Alert for up-to-the-minute notices and updates during the Inauguration weekend. Arlington Alert provides real-time safety information and emergency alerts via e-mail, cell phone, pager, BlackBerry or other wireless PDA. Text "1801" to 411911 or go to www.arlingtonalert.com
Additional information can be found at: • Presidential Inaugural Committee http://cts.vresp.com/c/?ArlingtonEconomicDev/da5afc601d/64b2c6dedc/e3c0c01bee
• DC Inauguration Site http://cts.vresp.com/c/?ArlingtonEconomicDev/da5afc601d/64b2c6dedc/b39407586b
• Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies http://cts.vresp.com/c/?ArlingtonEconomicDev/da5afc601d/64b2c6dedc/c1176456ea
• United States Secret Service: 56th Inauguration Web site http://cts.vresp.com/c/?ArlingtonEconomicDev/da5afc601d/64b2c6dedc/30eb33b592
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