United Kingdom  - Expedited Visa Services

Visa to United Kingdom
Expedited Visa Services

Our team can help you obtain your United Kingdom Visa:

The article below provides important information about travel to United Kingdom. For comprehensive Visa Application instructions, please see the specific Visa Requirements page for your Visa Type (business, tourist, etc). Our step-by-step instructions guide you through the process. We guarantee the accuracy of your application and expedite it with the appropriate Consulate. Our team is here to help with online chat, phone & email support.

01/27/2014 - United Kingdom Consulate holiday closings 2014

Planning on traveling to England or Great Britain? Whether you’re a tourist or on business, your schedule will depend on the hours the British embassy is open. Please note the Consulate General is closed on all US national holidays as well as British holidays. These are all the dates the embassy is closed in 2014:
January 1, 20
February 17
April 18, 21
May 5, 26
July 4
August 25
September 8
October 13
November 11, 27
December 25, 26
Please plan your application accordingly. If you have any questions about what you need to attain your visa, feel free to contact our customer service at us 1-888-596-6028, or live chat with our friendly representatives. Passport Visas Express.com has experts ready to answer any question or help you deliver your visa or passport applications!

12/03/2013 - British Consulate Holiday Closings 2013

The British Consulate will be closed December 25 to 27, 2013 and again on January 1, 2, and 21, 2014.
Visa services will not be provided during these times.

07/27/2012 - Travel Guidelines for the London 2012 Olympics

Heathrow Airport is offering Olympic athletes special services for zippier travel, but even if you’re not a discus thrower, rest assured that regular spectators and tourists of the London Olympics have it easy when it comes to documentation.

If you’re a US passport holder, you don’t need a visa. All you need is a passport. Make sure it’s valid and you’ll be eligible to enter and stay in the United Kingdom for up to six months. If you’re not a US passport holder, you may still be eligible—check the UK border agency 

Double-check that
·      your passport is valid for six months after your planned date of arrival (whether or not you plan to stay that long);
·      your passport has enough blank pages for official stamps.

Should you be missing any of these elements, or need assistance in applying for your US passport, visit us here for prompt, easy support on the process. Passport Visas Express will ensure that whatever documents you require to arrive in London will be obtained with all the speed of an Olympic runner.
Check out the official Olympics site for information on traveling within London. 

08/25/2008 - UK Visa: Visitor Visa


    To apply for a UK Visitor Visa, you must be able to show that:


* You are genuinely seeking a UK visa for entry as a visitor for up to six months


* You intend to leave the UK before your UK visa expires


* You do not intend to take employment in the UK and understand the UK visa is not valid for employment


* You have enough money to support and accommodate yourself without recourse to public funds or taking employment. UK visas do not allow for this.


* You can meet the cost of a return or onward journey once your UK visa is expired and you are to depart the UK.



  Apply for a UK Visa

06/03/2008 - British Visa

United Kingdom and Gibraltar (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland):


ENTRY/EXIT REQUIREMENTS:  A visa is not required for tourist or business visits to the UK of less than six months in duration.  Visitors wishing to remain longer than one month in Gibraltar should regularize their stay with Gibraltar immigration authorities.  Those planning to visit the UK for any purpose other than tourism or business, or who intend to stay longer than six months, should see our UK visa page.


COUNTRY DESCRIPTION:  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a highly developed constitutional monarchy comprised of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland.  Read the Department of State Background Notes on the United Kingdom for additional information.  Gibraltar is a United Kingdom Overseas Territory bordering Spain and located at the southernmost tip of Europe at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea.  It is one of thirteen former British colonies that have elected to continue their political links with London.  Tourist facilities are widely available. 


REGISTRATION / EMBASSY LOCATION:  Americans living or traveling in the United Kingdom are encouraged to register with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate through the State Department's travel registration web site, and to obtain updated information on travel and security within the United Kingdom.  By registering, Americans make it easier for the Embassy or Consulate to contact them in case of emergency, and to relay updated information on travel and security within the United Kingdom.  The Embassy and Consulates regularly send security and other information via email to Americans who have registered.  As noted above, recent communications from U.S. Embassy London to the local American citizen community, called Warden Messages, can be found on the embassy's web site.  Americans without Internet access may register directly with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.  The Consular Section also disseminates a newsletter every month.  Those wishing to subscribe to the monthly consular newsletter in London should send a request by email to SCSLondon@state.gov.


The U.S. Embassy is located at 24 Grosvenor Square, London W1A 1AE; telephone: in country 020-7499-9000; from the U.S. 011-44-20-7499-9000 (24 hours); Consular Section fax: in country 020-7495-5012; from the U.S. 011-44-20-7495-5012, and on the Internet at http://london.usembassy.gov.


The U.S. Consulate General in Edinburgh, Scotland, is located at 3 Regent Terrace, Edinburgh EH7 5BW; Telephone: in country 0131-556-8315, from the U.S. 011-44-131-556-8315.  After hours: in country 01224-857097, from the U.S. 011-44-1224-857097.  Fax: in country 0131-557-6023; from the U.S. 011-44-131-557-6023.  Information on the Consulate General is included on the Embassy's web site at http://london.usembassy.gov/scotland.


The U.S. Consulate General in Belfast, Northern Ireland, is located at Danesfort House, 228 Stranmillis Road, Belfast BT9 5GR; Telephone: in country 028-9038-6100; from the U.S. 011-44-28-9038-6100.  Fax:  in country 028-9068-1301; from the U.S. 011-44-28-9068-1301.  Information on the Consulate General is included on the Embassy's web site at: http://london.usembassy.gov/nireland.


There is no U.S. consular representation in Gibraltar.  Passport questions should be directed to the U.S. Embassy in Madrid, located at Serrano 75, Madrid, Spain, tel (34)(91) 587-2200, and fax (34)(91) 587-2303.  The web site is http://madrid.usembassy.gov.  All other inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy in London.

06/02/2008 - Bristish Biometric Visa

Effective December 3, 2007, The United Kingdom introduced a biometric visa process. Travelers will need to complete applications online. Passport Visas Express.com will continue to assist with securing the visa.
Please contact us for additional information.

Read the article: http://www.britainusa.com/visas/articles_show_nt1.asp?i=65024&a=46974&L1=41000

Here's How to Apply:

Select the Visa Type you need to find out more information about how to apply:

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