India Visa Application Notes:

The Indian Government website is best viewed in Chrome or Internet Explorer 8.0 and above.

IMPORTANT: Before you begin completing the visa application, please save the 11-digit Temporary Application ID. Once you have completed the visa application, click "save and continue" to view the visa application printing page. Please make sure you save the 12-digit File Number. These numbers are very important. They will be needed as record locators and to login and edit your application if necessary.

Selecting the validity of your visa: During the application process you will be asked to choose the validity (or time period) of your visa. Please round the months to either 12 (1 year) or 60 (5 years) for Business, and 120 (10 years) for Tourism; Depending upon your need and what is currently available within your jurisdiction.

Non-U.S. Citizen: (1) Please complete the "Non US Citizen Form" found under the requirements list, and (2) You must mention your home country address under the Permanent Address section when completing the visa application.

Printing the application: Do NOT print the application back to back on a single page- the application must be printed on separate pages.

Signing the application: There's 2 signature areas; (1) Page 1 of your visa application: Your full signature must be within the lines of the rectangular signature area on the top right, underneath photo box; (2) Page 2 of your visa application: The same signature needs to be on the dotted line found at the bottom right. Failing to sign your visa application properly will result in visa rejection.

Signature Instructions- Minor Age 17 and Under:

Common India Visa Application Problems

·         Is there a different version of the application that can be faxed or emailed to me?
No. You must use the online application form. This form is bar-coded and will store your information securely for faster processing. Handwritten application forms are no longer accepted.

·         Can I save my application, and come back to it later?
Unfortunately, your application data cannot be saved.

·         What is the difference between "present" and "permanent" address?
The visa application asks for your "present" and "permanent" address. You must use the address indicated on your driver's license (or other ID you are submitting as proof of address) to answer both questions. In other words your "present" and "permanent" address as stated on your visa application must match your proof of address document.

·         Do children require a visa to visit India?
Yes, all travelers including children must have a valid visa to travel to India. Please complete a separate application for each child. For minors, the parents should sign the application.

·         When I click on the link to the India online visa application a warning note appears that says ‘Untrusted Connection’. What do I do?
This occurs because you are accessing a website which is hosted and operated outside of the United States. Click ‘I understand the risk’, hit the button ‘get certificate’ and ‘add exception’. You will be redirected to the main page of India visa application.

·         What do I select as the “India Mission Office”?
Using the list at the bottom of this page, find your state of residence. The “India Mission Office” you will select is the name of the Consulate that your state of residence falls under. For example  if your state of residence is Pennsylvania, you will select ‘USA-New York’

·         What do I enter for Surname and Given Name?
Please be careful the name must be identical to the name as printed on your current passport. Surname is your last name and Given Name is your first and middle name (if any).

·         What is Citizenship/National ID number?
This question does not apply to you. Please type ‘NA’

·         Regarding the “Educational Qualification” what should I enter if I am currently in College?
Please select ‘Matriculation’. If you are a senior in High school, you select ‘Below Matriculation’.

·         Regarding the question “Any other valid Passport/Identity Certificate(IC) held”? What do I select?
If you hold more than one passport please complete this section. Otherwise, Please select ‘No’.

·         I am in College, what do I enter as ‘Profession/Occupation’?
Please select ‘student’, and enter your School Name for ‘Employer Name’ and its full address.

·         What do I fill out as ‘Type of visa’?
India has several visa types. I am going to discuss the generally requested, Tourism and Business: Tourist visa offered is only a 10-year (120 months) visa, multiple entry. Business visas offered/available are 1 year (12 months) and 5 years (60 months), multiple-entries. Please enter the actual number of months being requested. E.g. if you’re only doing a one-time Tourist visit to India, you will need to enter ‘120 months’ visa. ‘Number of entries’ is always multiple. The Indian Government in the United States only issues a multiple entry visas for both tourism and business.

·         What is the Port of Arrival in India?
The port of arrival is the location at which you first enter India. Your port of arrival is the name of the city where you initially enter India.

·         I don’t specifically remember the dates of my previous visit to India.
Please fill out the approximate date, month and year. You do not have to know the exact date.

·         I have visited many countries in the last 10 years. Do I have to list all of them?
You do not have to list all of them. Please list as many as you can. There is no correct number to list.

·         I do not know anyone in India, what do I list as a reference name in India?
Please enter a hotel name, address and phone number as your reference. You do not need to provide a hotel confirmation and may enter the address information of the hotel you propose to stay at.  If you are traveling with a tour group please contact the tour company for this information.

·         What is meant by “Reference Name in the USA”?
A reference is someone who knows you. This may be anyone you know in the United States; your parent(s), brother, sister, best friend, colleague or a tour coordinator. This may also be your emergency contact in the United States.

·         If I completed the online application, but the visa application PDF did not appear on the print page, what should I do?
Most often, this occurs when there are problems with the Adobe Reader on the computer. We suggest trying to reprint the application by going to Track Passport, entering the application id and last name, then clicking "Reprint Application Here". If that does not work, try using a different computer to reprint your application in Track Passport.

India Mission Offices in the USA

Consulate General of India- Chicago:
Jurisdiction: States of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin

Consulate General of India- Houston:
Jurisdiction: States of Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Nebraska

Consulate General of India- New York:
Jurisdiction: States of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont

Consulate General of India- San Francisco:
Jurisdiction: States of Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Guam

Consulate General of India- Atlanta:
Jurisdiction: States of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virgin Islands

Embassy of India- Washington, D.C.:
Jurisdiction: Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, American Samoa, Armed Forces Americas, Armed Forces Europe, Armed Forces Pacific, Bahamas, Bermuda, Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Northern Marianas and Palau.